Monday, May 12, 2008

Love, what is it good for?

I was chatting with a pal yesterday and we came across the topic of love, as one often does on a boring sunday aftrenoon. And we came to one simple conclusion.. Love, what is it good for? Nothing! Sure it's nice to have someone to share interest, bills and bodily fluids with. But then what? What else can be gained by such enterprises? I can't get pregnat.. or get married. So what's the purpose? Why do we waste away our days and nights fighting and complaining and comparing battle scars?
I think I should start a list..


Hmm.. this is harder than I thought.

I suppose we all really just want the same thing..
Free room and board on Fire Island!

Don't look at me!

So as far as spring goes I am over it! It seems that NYC is having some kind of weird wet spring. I was hoping for sunny days, flowers blossoming on trees.. shorts and sandals! Instead we have cold rain and windy nights.. I might as well be living in Oregon. Oh how gross! I say bring me the sun, the hot sun, where one can tan and sweat and tan some more. Bring me the days of being hot, lazy, with excessive drinking and free bar-b-ques!

Our day will come...